
Selamawit Biruk

attrice / danzatrice / fotografa

Selamawit Biruk is a professional actress, dancer, model and photographer. She was born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, one of the most diverse countries in the world with over 80 different tribes, each with its own language and culture. She studied Theatre Arts at Addis Ababa University, School of Fine Arts. She has obtained leading roles in major films in Ethiopia and is known for her ability to coordinate physical expressiveness, interpretative ability and identification as well as use of voice. She is also known for her excellent stage presence and improvisation skills.
Since 2018, she has participated in Migrant Bodies-Moving Borders, an EU-supported project that promotes the integration of migrants and refugees with local communities, using dance as a communication tool.

In collaboration with:
CSC-Centre for the Contemporary Scene in Bassano del Grappa