
Francesco Baldassarre


Francesco, I am Co – Founder and mentor of the school.

Born in 1992, I have a degree in computer science and have always been passionate about two large fields at the antipodes, but only in appearance: computer science and philosophy.

Enthusiastic fan of Blockchain, AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning, he funds the technical skills to the moral, ideal and above all ethical implications that the development of these technologies will produce in people’s lives and in human relationships. At all levels.

Impact by chance online in one of the many headlines dedicated to Valeria and her experience at MIT, having arrived at the Olympus of all lovers of technology in the world and having done so at only 15 years old. I’m still very impressed and I’d like to ask you to contact me immediately on the social networks. I enter what I call ‘tornado Valeria’, in her way of managing life to pursue dreams and passions.

When Valeria launches the call to search for collaborators, asking for the CV to be sent, I write on the fly a completely different and captivating ‘belly’ e-mail presentation, which on the third line has already allowed me to pass all my mental selections. My resume becomes almost an accessory. Valeria is 16 years old and she’s interviewing me. The understanding is immediate. My permanent job, which only gave me economic satisfaction, is becoming more and more difficult for me every day.